This shows, through high speed, how pink corn starch can diffuse.
The video uses sucrose, water and membrane to illustrate how some molecules can make it through the membrane and some can't.
This is a fun experiment to do in the classroom. You do need to do some work prior to class to set it up.
This is a great example of osmosis with time lapse photography on the piece of lettuce.
Spangler Science videos offer a wealth of chemistry based experiments that students will love.

About Steve Spangler Science...

Steve Spangler is a celebrity teacher, science toy designer, speaker, author and an Emmy award-winning television personality. Spangler is probably best known for his Mentos and Diet Coke geyser experiment that went viral in 2005 and prompted more than 1,000 related YouTube videos. Spangler is the founder of, a Denver-based company specializing in the creation of science toys, classroom science demonstrations, teacher resources and home for Spangler's popular science experiment archive and video collection. Spangler is a frequent guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show where he takes classroom science experiments to the extreme. Check out his pool filled with 2,500 boxes of cornstarch!